【金子凼】Birthdays in Quarantine 2020

Chinese Version

In 2020, during the “Stay At Home” quarantine, I frequently visited the nearby campus, which was very empty and very quiet, because teachers and students were all staying at home and attending on-line classes.

Walking on campus, I rarely met people who were walking their dogs or walking their children. If I saw them, I always quickly moved away from them to obey the 6-feet social distance rule, I would tease myself in my mind: “Well done for being a good citizen.”

At the end of April 2020, one afternoon, while walking on the quiet campus, I suddenly heard cars honking and people shouting, along with happy whilst.

To prevent COVID-19 spread among people, many states issued “Stay At Home” quarantines. There were reports about people who went downtown to protest “Stay At Home” orders in some states.

Massachusetts governor had already extended the “Stay At Home” order, started on March 24th, to May 18th here. If the noise was a protest against the order in the neighborhood next to the quiet campus, I thought it was very dramatic.

I could not resist to go out of the campus and go into the noise community, I saw five-six cars circling the neighborhood slowly, I heard the car honking frequently, I also heard happy shouting inside the house, I felt joyful spread in the air, it was unlike a protest.

When I near the slow driving cars, I noticed there were “Happy birthday” colorfully written on car windows. I was delighted to know that I was witnessing an unordinary happy birthday celebration parade right now.

In 2020, during COVID-19 “Stay At Home” quarantine (under no hug, no kiss, and no gathering over ten people rule), party goers organized a driving through and honking parade to celebrate birthday, this was very festive and quite unique.

Human beings are geniuses with regards to inventing new ways to pursue happiness.

Later Episodes

The honking parade to celebrate birthday started in 2020 extends to 2021.
On January 18, 2021, someone was curious about “many cars whistle for 10 minutes at 4:00 p.m.” on NextDoor.
It appears that new things to become folk customs will take time.

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