Chinese Version
19-11-2020, Thursday
As a child, when my brother and I were sick and had a fever, Yeyi, our nanny, would make us egg flower soup with sugar for us to drink.
At that time, we didn’t have a thermometer to measure our body temperature. If Yeyi saw that we were uncomfortable or weak, she would measure our body temperature using her forehead to touch our forehead to feel whether we were feverish or not. From this, if Yeyi felt we had a fever, she would make egg flower soup with sugar for us to drink, instead of a regular meal.
When my brother had a fever, he often said: “Yeyi, I couldn’t drink the egg flower soup.”
Naturally, I would help him drink his egg flower soup.
But when I had a fever, I always drank the hot egg flower soup with sugar, made by Yeyi, quickly.
Later, Yeyi said to me: “When your brother is sick, he has no appetite for egg flower soup. You usually have no appetite for regular meals. However, when you are sick, you always have an appetite for egg flower soup. Are you really sick? ”
Yeyi seemed to suspect that she was misdiagnosing my sickness, but I didn’t know how to answer Yeyi’s question.
Then Yeyi said to herself: “Little kids will not pretend to be sick.”
Looking back to the past now, in my childhood when the supply of pork meat was limited by government issued coupons (to half a pound per person per month), we could buy eggs from farmers market without limitation. So I ate more eggs than pork meat, and I had more chances to enjoy eating eggs as good things. Even when I was sick, I could drink egg flower soup, which showed that I really liked delicious things as a child.
Little Episodes
Yeyi’s egg flower soup recipe:
1. Crack a raw egg into a small bowl.
2. Beat the raw egg with chopsticks.
3. While stirring the raw egg, slowly pour the just boiled water into the bowl containing the raw eggs.
4. Slowly, egg blossoms appeared one by one in the water.
5. Add a spoonful of sugar to the egg soup, mix well and drink while it is hot.
When the supply of pork was limited every month (half pound per person), we could buy eggs from farmers market without limitation. Therefore I had more chances to eat eggs than pork. Delicious eggs retained several stories of my childhood.
Stealing Egg.
Egg as snacks.